Our Book produced from our 2019 Conference would make an excellent present for 2023!
Produced by Bloomsbury The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: The Birth of the Modern Nation

12th Annual Good Shepherds Servants retreat
Professor Magdy Ishak-Hanna and Prof. Sir Magdi Yacoub together in New York at the 12th Annual Good Shepherds Servants retreat talking about the amazing work they’ve done in the Magdy Yacoub Heart Centre in Aswan. The Magdi Yacoub Foundation for Cardiac Diseases and Research was founded by surgeon Magdi Yacoub in Aswan to provide free medical services at the highest level to Egyptians, particularly less fortunate children. The foundation also aims to train young doctors and nurses in accordance with the highest international medical standards and to develop research in the field of basic, applied and biomedical sciences (including genetics, proteins and food metabolism). The most important goals of the center are to create a new generation of heart surgeons trained at the highest level, and at the same time to provide medical services to the largest possible number of patients. The center’s management has worked on increasing the number of doctors working with the Surgery Department by 35 percent in 2013, compared to 2012.

Secretary’s Blog: 8th May 2020

Secretary’s Blog: 1st May 2020

Secretary’s Blog: 29th April 2020

Secretary’s Blog, Dr. Khalid Ali: 26th April 2020

Secretary’s Blog: 24th April 2020

Secretary’s Blog: 20th April 2020

Egypt You Have No Match, The Geo-Strategic Pillar
Egypt can change from Pivotal to become a Great Power.
Based on 14 Strategic Diversified Pillars, a hypothesis is proposed, for appropriate testing, that Egypt Has No Match. Focused on one Pillar, the Geo-Strategic one, an in–depth empirical and analytical study is presented. Two novel instruments are used in the analysis; namely: Now-Casting, as opposed to Forecasting, and Geo-Dynamics, instead of Geo-Political.
In dealing with the Geo-Strategic Pillar two fundamental subjects are addressed. One is the Uni-Multipolar World Security Structure, with focus on the US Grand Macro-Strategy for the Middle East. The second focusses on Egypt as a Pivotal State; Past, Present and Future.

1919 Conference - Impact on Society and Minorities
Today we are gathering to revisit an event that occurred 100 years ago.
As it is a historical event, the normal practice would have been to focus
the analysis in relation to the modern relevant time period.
However, when the analysis relates, primarily, to Egypt, one is bound to
go back almost thousands of years. This unique Egyptian feature has its
own pros and cons.

1919 Conference - Impact on Society and Minorities
Today we are gathering to revisit an event that occurred 100 years ago.
As it is a historical event, the normal practice would have been to focus
the analysis in relation to the modern relevant time period.
However, when the analysis relates, primarily, to Egypt, one is bound to
go back almost thousands of years. This unique Egyptian feature has its
own pros and cons.

In Bed With the Ancient Egyptians
In modern-day media, depictions of ancient Egyptian society are of a highly sexualised, lustful culture, but how accurate are these depictions of a people so shrouded in mystery and legend that it is sometimes hard to tell truth from fiction? In this fascinating and intimate insight into ancient Egyptian sex and sexuality, Charlotte Booth demystifies an ancient way of life, drawing on archaeological evidence and the written record to build a picture of what really went on in the bedrooms of the pharaohs and their subjects.
Ayoub Sisters
About the artists:
Since making their Royal Albert Hall debut in 2016, Scottish – Egyptian sisters Sarah and Laura Ayoub have had a meteoric start to their career. Discovered by Mark Ronson and now signed to Decca Records in partnership with Classic FM; the multi-instrumentalist sisters recorded their debut album with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in the world-renowned Abbey Road Studios. Their album debuted at No.1 in the Official Classical Artist Albums Chart. The duo have performed across the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia with highlights including appearances at the Royal Albert Hall, Royal Festival Hall, London Palladium, The Embassy of Egypt, The Cairo Opera House, touring with choirmaster Gareth Malone and a record-breaking debut in China of 13 performances in 4 days.

Egypt - An Epistle on Love, Beauty and Hope
The beauty of Egypt is that there is no formula. It just is. Egypt is unique. It is deeply loved, and has been so by millions over time. This is no ordinary love. It is a consuming passion. I am one of the millions who have adored Egypt from near and far.
I am one of the more than 10 million Egyptians who have lived away from her for years—but the greater the distance and the longer the separation, the more intense the commitment.

Obituary Event for Ambassador Shaker
Dr. Shaker was Ambassador from the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Court of St James from September 1988 to September 1997. He died on 29th March, in Cairo. He was probably the most popular Egyptian Ambassador ever in London and through his friendship with Sir Michael Weir he helped found the British Egyptian Society in 1990. He was a founder of the Egyptian Medical Society in the UK and Chairman of the Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation. His other achievements and appointment are immense. To celebrate his life, the British Egyptian Society is organised an evening of celebration in The Carlton Room, Institute of Directors on 12th September 2018. An address by our Patron and Founder Member, Dr Ahmed el Mokadem, on the founding of the British Egyptian Society can be downloaded here.

My Patriotic Love Egypt & Britain The Heart & Brain of The World to Both I am Proud to Belong
About the paper:
Book to be published summer 2018
About the author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian
Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

About the paper:
This Paper was prepared for an After-Dinner Talk for the UK Coptic Medical Society’s Annual Dinner – 2nd October 2010
About the Author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

British-Egyptian Public Affairs Committee BEPAC-Discussion Paper No.
About the paper:
A discussion paper produced for the 3rd Petrochemicals Conference – 21st and 22nd February 2012 at the JW Marriott Hotel, Cairo. Organised by the Petroleum Economist, London.
About the Author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University
About the paper:
من: د. أحمد الــمقدم
الى: الأعضاء والقارئين الكرام في موقع الجمعية المصرية البريطانية
“اليوم ١٩/٠٤/٢٠١٦ تحتفل كليه الاقتصاد بالذكري ال٥٥ على تأسيسها وقد اول من تم تعيينه فيها كمعيد وقمت بتدريس الدفعة الأولي من عام ١٩٦١ الي عام ١٩٦٣. وسافرت بعدها الي جامعه مانشستر لدراسة الدكتوراه حيث كانت رسالتي للدكتوراه هي عمل اول نموذج رياضي للاقتصاد البريطاني. وقد طلبت كليه الاقتصاد مني ان اكتب بعض ذكرياتي لألقيها”

Comment on US Dollar Crisis in Egypt
About the paper:
Written in Arabic. This comment paper was recently prepared and written in the light of what is happening to the Dollar and how it relates to Egypt.
About the Author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

A Story of A Unique Beauty: Egypt’s Achievable Dream of Happiness & Prosperity
About the paper:
This paper was prepared and delivered for the Ramadan Charity Iftar organized by the Medics for Egypt in the UK, on the 21st of July 2012.
About the Author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

About the paper:
This poem written in Arabic, was read in Galleria, Cairo Tower by an invitation from Rotary Maryoteya in 2010.
About the Author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

Gods Word, His Chosen Mary & The Coptic Community’s Strategic Mission in New Egypt’s Charter of Hope.
About the paper:
This Paper religious paper about the role of the Coptic Community was prepared for an After-Dinner talk for the UK Coptic Medical Society’s Annual Dinner on the 21stMay 2011.
About the author:
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

The Politics of Decline, Lessons from the Thatcherite Model
About the paper:
Written in 1990 and delivered in Cairo to Egyptian Graduates of British Universities, upon invitation by the British Ambassador. The article views the relevance of the Thatcherite model to Egypt, as it is argued that Thatcherism is relevant to Egypt not in terms of the detailed Thatcherite policies, but in terms of the general strategy of dealing effectively and successfully with the politics of decline. Egypt has been suffering from the politics of decline since the end of the second world ward, the constituents of which are much the same in the case of Egypt as those in Britain in the 1970.’s.The author predicted that Thatcher would be removed by the end of the year. Though Lady Thatcher was upset, but, sadly, it did happen. The article though written in 1990 but It is still extremely relevant to Egypt’s present circumstances
About the Author
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

Some Initial Thoughts on a Criminal Interpretation of the Crash of the World Financial System
About the article:
Given the current World Market’s pessimistic state and gloomy expectations: possible repeat of the 2008-2009 financial crash, the paper acts as a reminder of the crash of the most powerful of systems. The paper was initially produced on the occasion of the 1st Sir Michael Weir Annual Lecture, sponsored by The British Egyptian Society, addressed by the Rt. Hon. The Lord Patten of Barnes, entitled “After the Crash”, and chaired by the author, on the 27th November 2008, at the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
About the Author
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

Egypt my love, who are you? And where to?
About the poem:
This poem, written in Arabic is dedicated to Egypt. It articulates the authors deeply felt love for his native land. Dr Ahmed’s love for Egypt and Britain is unparalleled as he more thanoften quotes Egypt, never left my heart. It is the heart of the world and Britain is the brain of the world.
About the Author
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

Egypt: A Pivotal State, Britain: A Great Power, USA:The Superpower; The Middle East & World Peace & Stability.
About the Article
This article attempts to provide a conceptual/theoretical framework, which can be used in analysing the relationship between three key players, with differing roles and relative impact, in attempting to achieve certain political objective(s) in a troubled, but relatively important area of the world.
Part I reviews the Suez Crisis 1956, as an introductory Middle East Crisis, in which a simple anatomical approach is adopted, as an introduction to the main subject matter of this article.
Part II focuses on the elements of a framework to be used in the development of a hypothesis concerning the interactive relationship between a developing country pivotal state, a great power and a superpower, as related, specifically, to the Middle East area.
An attempt is then made in Part III to test the hypothesis on the chosen area. Historical evidence is reviewed, and micro conclusions are drawn.
Given the historical evidence, in Part IV a conceptual framework is outlined, which is intended for analytical applications to similar situations, where the underlying assumptions and characteristics apply.
About the Author
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service.

More than Fifty-One Years of My Life
An Anglo Egyptian New Paradigm “The Affectionate, Loving, Wisdom Of Ancient & Old Culture & History”
About the Paper
This paper was Prepared for the Annual Sir Michael Weir Lecture on The 26th November 2014, at The Institute of Directors, London, UK. It focuses on both Egypt and Britain and goes back at the time of incorporating the British Egyptian Society. The paper provides a philosophical theme for the relationship between the two countries: One a Great Power and the other the Pivotal.
About the Author
Dr Ahmed El Mokadem is Honorary Patron and Founding member of the British Egyptian Society. Born in Egypt, educated in the United Kingdom and spent more than 35 years in academic consultancy and international business career. Advised many governments in economic policy, oil and defence. Dr Ahmed published and supervised many books, articles and research projects in the UK monetary and fiscal policy, North Sea oil, OPEC and international oil market. Retired in 2004 to focus on charitable societies, writing, lecturing and public service. Dr Ahmed’s love for Egypt and Britain is unparalleled as he more thanoften quotes Egypt, never left my heart. It is the heart of the world and Britain is the brain of the world.

British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present day (SOAS Middle East Issues)
About the Book
This account of the first major forum to review relations between Britain and Egypt, held in London in 2006, demonstrates how political, economic and cultural interaction between the countries has developed since the Suez invasion of 1956. In addition to providing a historical assessment, it suggests ways forward in both bilateral and international contexts. Egyptian and British contributors include government ministers and specialists in history, economics, Egyptology, business, education, culture and international affairs.
About the Author
Dr. Noel Brehony is Chairman of Menas Associates, a member of the British Egyptian Society Committee and of the advisory board of the London Middle East Institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and past President of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES), 2000-6.Ayman El-Desouky is Lecturer in Arabic and Comparative Literature at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
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