What we do
We rely on our member’s enthusiasm and contribution to keep our society unique and continue its high-quality events. We trust you’ll have a great time connecting with us.
Our members benefit from our unique annual cultural visits to Paris and Turin to view the Egyptian museums, and have an excellent relationship with the British Museum. For the past, several years we have collaborated with the Curators from museums in Egypt to attend the British Museum for a fellowship summer training program. The Society, whose funds come from annual membership subscriptions and private donations, makes an annual contribution to the British Museum to enable this fellowship summer program for Egyptian archaeologists to study in the Museum. The Keeper of the Ancient Egypt and Sudan Department has been on our Board since we were founded and continue to have a big impact on our societies exposure.
We have had Private Views of major exhibitions at the British Museum, launched books by major authors and continue an excellent working relationship with Egyptian related sites including the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, the University of Cambridge, The Louvre in Paris, a private view of the Book of the Dead Exhibition, the Hajj Exhibition and Ancient Lives at the British Museum.
Apart from attracting quality speakers to our Annual Flagship Lecture, the Sir Michael Weir Lecture which takes place in December. We are starting in April the first in a series of annual debates with a Middle East theme, lead by 6th formers from 4 important secondary schools from the State and Independent sectors.
Choose your membership option
Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership is for companies and other organisations.
£60 pa.
Individual Membership
Individual membership is for those of any nationality with an interest in Egypt.
£30 pa.
Student Membership
Those in full-time education may join the Society as Student Members.
£10 pa.
If you have any questions about a new or an existing membership, please contact the Honorary Secretary, Mr Noel Rands
Telephone: +44 20 8681 7200